Discovering how to live my best life. On purpose.


Cheri Kane Writes

Cheri Kane Writes


It all started when…

I was really young, and not afraid to try new things. I think we all have a wonderful lack of inhibition during our younger years, and some people just don’t grow out of it. I knew that there were people that I could meet in this life and together, we could lift, encourage and become more than we could ever make of ourselves on our own.

I’ve always been an instigator of mischief. I knew from a little girl that I was different, and it used to bother me. I had ambition, but I didn’t know what ambition was. I had zest for life and great enthusiasm, but I didn’t know how to express them or where they belonged. I just knew I saw the world differently. I was always making up plays, putting on skits, and teaching my stuffed animals and dolls from books I couldn’t even read.

I realized that there needed to be more positivity in the world. As a young child, I was made fun of a lot and I learned that I could either laugh, or I could shrink. Every situation was an opportunity to make a choice, and I chose to laugh.

Through the years, I’ve realized that life was not just about existing, but rather about putting ourselves out there and embracing the adventures and gifts that are uniquely ours.




Cheri Kane

Author and motivational speaker, Cheri Kane, was born in Southern Idaho, raised in Southern California and now resides in South Ogden, Utah. She has spent the majority of her career as a real estate professional and motivational speaker. She and her husband have a combined family of six grown children and fifteen beautiful grandchildren.

Cheri loves to look for the beauty in life, and often finds it in the wonders of nature and the goodness of those around her.

Some of her biggest motivators in life are her passion for encouraging others and her unshakeable faith in a God of miracles, who is over all. She is best known for her enthusiasm and “can do” attitude. Her love of life helps her see the sun through the clouds and helps her shine deliberately in everything she does.


About the A Boy, His Surfboard and the Storm

Standing on the thrashing shores of an angry sea, a mother fights to hold on to a flicker of faith as she desperately strains to catch a glimpse of her only son, alone on the storm tossed waves. Her son, fighting for his life, wonders why on earth surfing on the especially large swells that fateful day ever sounded like a good idea in the first place...

A Boy, His Surfboard and the Storm is the true story of a sixteen year old boy, swept out to sea in a turbulent Southern California storm. On December 13, 1995, Jaren went out surfing with his friends, only to find himself being swept out to sea in the middle of a major storm that would end up destroying over a quarter of Historic Ventura Pier. His story would be plastered across newspaper headlines the following day, however, the full story would remain unwritten until now, 30 years later.

With so many natural and personal disasters plaguing humanity, Cheri Kane hopes her and her son’s story of struggle, hope, and love will encourage and inspire individuals experiencing their own storms in life.


**Stay tuned! The Spanish translation of A Boy, His Surfboard and the Storm is coming soon!


Motivational Speaking

“We are all fellow travelers on this great planet Earth. Along our individual paths, we each seem to pick up a lot more baggage than we need, finding ourselves burdened and in many cases, unable to carry on. Travel along with me and together we will lighten each other’s burdens while discovering that everything we ever really need to succeed in our travels is not to be found in heavily collected loads of baggage after all!”

Cheri brings with her learning, experience, and a great deal of humor. Her topics include Overcoming Obstacles, Motivation for Personal Growth, Accomplishments and Success. She is a strong advocate for taking on life’s challenges, obstacles, and disappointments head on, while turning these into advantages of personal growth in every way possible.

She believes every person has the unique ability, gifts and talents to overcome their personal obstacles as they persist in achieving their personal growth and success.

She began her speaking career in southern California in 1997, and has had the privilege of speaking for such groups as community outreach organizations, professional women’s organizations, business owner groups, drug and alcohol rehab groups along with various church organizations.


Get in Touch with Cheri

Cheri is available for book signings, podcast interviews, guest blog posts, speaking opportunities and more.