Discovering how to live my best life. On purpose.


Ashley Overby

Ashley overby

Motivational Speaker and Author of “Anchored, Not Tethered”

My life, anchored by love, not tethered by cerebral palsy


About the author

Ashley Overby may have cerebral palsy, but that has never stopped her from shooting for the stars and reaching for her goals. Born and raised in Utah, hers has been a life shaped by family, faith, friends and animals. She especially loves any time she gets to spend with horses. She has always had a love of writing, often finding a special creative outlet in writing poetry. She enjoys educating others, especially young children, about life with a disability through motivational speaking, writing and spontaneous, every day encounters.


About “Anchored, Not Tethered”

Anchored, Not Tethered is Ashley’s personal story of endurance, courage, love and second chances. Life with a disability is never easy, but Ashley has taken each experience with an open mind and learned all she can. She now shares with readers around the world what her life is like, which anchors help her soar despite her disability, and how her second chances at life have helped her develop the strength to give second chances to others.

This book gives an overview of what cerebral palsy is and what it is like to live with CP. Ashley explains in depth how her disability has affected her daily and family life, especially her rocky relationship with her father. She eventually chose to cut him out of her life, that is, until an unexpected door opened with an opportunity to heal their relationship and understand each other like never before.

Be sure to get your copy on Amazon!

Motivational Speaking

Although much of my life has been shaped by my disability, it has not made me a vegetable. I am capable, empowered, and active. I continue to strive to fulfill my dreams and the potential that I believe God has gifted to me.

I have cerebral palsy, but cerebral palsy does not have me.

My life experiences have anchored me to the present by providing opportunities to appreciate each moment as it comes. If I spend too much time worrying about the future, or being frustrated by the past, I begin to feel like a shadow. Each time I get another chance at life, another chance to try something people never thought I’d be able to do, I find that the present moment has more to offer than I ever could have imagined. That gives me hope for the future because I know hard things will continue to come and with faith and hope, there will be unimaginable good that will come along with it.

One of Ashley’s passions is helping educate others about life with a disability. She especially loves sharing her message with young children and school classes via video call.

She is open and honest when conducting question and answer sessions. She believes each positive, authentic encounter with someone different is a learning experience that can empower and encourage the next time you get to meet someone new.

To get in touch with Ashley about her speaking engagements, please fill out the form below.